Sunday, February 10, 2013

Stained Glass Europe Study

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am doing "stained glass" with all the kids for our European International study.

Before the lesson, I showed them this clip from Sister Wendy. It explained  briefly about some English stained glass and tidbit of history.

The first step was to get clear plastic/acetate (report covers and sheet protectors work great for letter sized-but for larger ones I used large sheets of 5mil plastic from TAP)

I mixed up some white glue and water and then had the kids arrange small scraps of tissue paper on the plastic and really make sure that the paper was nice and wet and gluey. I let these dry, and made some black card-stock frames. Final touch was black sharpie marker to outline shapes and other details.


  1. If you use clear shelf lining paper, it is already sticky. Fold paper in half, removing only half the sticker paper. When the tissue paper has been stuck on it, simply remove the other half of the sticker paper and fold the two halves together. Then glue the frame onto either side of the "stained glass".

  2. "Pursuing higher education is a crucial step toward a successful career. Choosing the right study program and guidance can make all the difference."mrconsultants
