This is my fourth year teaching art, and I have expanded/grown every year. I started with just the K-2 room and concentrated on a lot of seasonal crafty things. Each year I added another classroom and now I teach all the grades K-6 in three rooms.

For the 1-4th room and the 5-6th room, I plan on doing a much tighter curriculum of things. This first week and for the rest of the year I plan on emphasizing the main elements of art: Line, Shape, Form, Space, Texture, Color and Value. I then hope to keep doing historical artists and a lesson based on them, as well as lessons based on techniques, like watercolor, pastel, sculpture, printmaking, spriknled with a few seasonal or craft items.
Here is a great site by the Getty Center with some nice starter curriclum about the Main elements of art.
Elements of Art from Getty Museum
Here is a very good site for breaking down Art History
Blog update looks awesome! My 3rd/4th graders at are loving your lessons! Thankful!